UNESCO MGIEP celebrates World Dyslexia Awareness Week (1st- 7th October)
In celebration of World Dyslexia Awareness Week (1st- 7th October) UNESCO MGIEP has partnered with Orkids Foundation to host a week of events in hope of bringing greater awareness around dyslexia and other specific learning disabilities.
Throughout the week children and special educators will be visiting local markets and businesses to engage with the public and pass out badges, bookmarks to increase public awareness and visibility. Orkids will be hosting two Skype Sessions where parents can connect with a senior special educator to discuss their child’s learning difficulties. Orkids and UNESCO MGIEP staff will also be visiting local schools which are hosting poster making competitions focusing on inclusion of those with disabilities and diverse needs in the school environment. The week will conclude with a free Specific Learning Disability awareness workshop which is open to parents, mainstream teachers, special educators, mental health professionals and students. The workshop will be followed by the launch of the new DALI screening tool application, a research based tool designed to help teachers and parents easily screen children and assess their risk of dyslexia/reading disability.
Dyslexia affects 10% of the world’s population, let’s start the conversation!